twenty-one degrees and happy

[wearing: obey beanie, asha tee, deus ex machina venice coach, kmart leggings, vans, sportsgirl bag similar]

A couple of days ago (a.k.a. hump day) there was a wonderful turn of weather here in Perth. Despite the early accounts of mugginess and humidity, the weather has now, slowly but gradually, begun to cool down. Yes it is twenty-eight degrees today, but let's put that behind us for now and focus on Wednesday's weather. At least it's not forty degrees and burning anymore. But hey, today was the first time I was able to wear the beanie and coach jacket I bought back in January; aka. two of the many items of winter clothing I have purchased within the past three months of nostalgia and desperation for the cold to come once again. In other news, theses shots were taken after a couple of friends and I were working on our group report, just outside of the library. I'm going to be completely honest with you guys: as historians-to-be, we were so excited to research on our respective assignment topic, because we got to look at 19th century maps, town plans, letters, etc, It's actually really exciting to be able to experience firsthand such documentation and artefacts. Seriously guys. I was pissing myself in excitement. Anyways, I'm not going to bore you any more with my nerdy interests. 

ex oh,

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